

What is it?

Kinesiology is a truly holistic, non-invasive, natural therapy that honours you as an individual.

Kinesiology is an energy-based natural therapy that utilises muscle monitoring as a means of communicating directly with your body. This enables access to your body's innate healing intelligence and cellular memory. This direct communication allows the kinesiologist to determine what is hindering your progress in any area of life and what you specifically need, or need to change, in order to clear those blocks and move forward in a positive and constructive manner.

The aim of kinesiology is to remove the effects of stress and bring about balance in order to align you with the achievement of your positive goals, whether they be to resolve health issues, to enhance performance at work, school or sport, to improve relationships or for personal growth. In doing so, kinesiology will provide you with a level of body and emotional awareness quite unlike that of any other therapy.

Kinesiology is not only about fixing what's wrong now, it's about moving forward, reaching your full potential, achieving your goals and realising your dreams.


How can it help me?

Because kinesiology works at an energy level to balance you to achieving your goals, it has the potential to help in any area of your life or, even better, your whole life.

Whilst kinesiology may be an effective therapy for all manner of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues, BodyComm Kinesiology specialises in the following areas:

- emotional stress release
- emotional anxiety and depressive tendencies
- natural fertility and pre/postnatal issues
- sleep issues
- digestive disorders
- self-esteem/self-worth/self-confidence
- clarity, focus and motivation
- allergies and other sensitivities/intolerances
- muscular, back, joint and other physical aches, pains and injuries
- immune system dysfunction
- hormonal imbalances
- improving energy levels and vitality
- achievement of personal goals
- personal growth
- spiritual development

Kinesiology can benefit adults and children of all ages and can even help your much loved pets!


How does it work?

...By accessing the innate healing intelligence of your own body.

Kinesiology in its pure sense is a method of using manual muscle testing to obtain bio-feedback directly from the body. By using a light pressure to test muscle response, rather than muscle strength, one can gain information from your body that may not be easily obtained from your conscious mind.

Kinesiology as a therapy (i) uses muscle testing as a tool, (ii) is based on the premise that the body is designed to self-heal and self-regulate and (iii) works with energy systems such as Chinese acupuncture meridians, chakras, auric fields and the anatomy and physiology of the physical body itself. In health, these energies flow and work together in balanced harmony. When you come under any kind of stress - physical, mental, emotional or spiritual - your energies may become unbalanced or blocked and adversely affect your ability to self-heal and self-regulate. As a result, you may experience dis-ease and a lack of wellbeing. If not addressed, this dis-ease may eventually manifest as a physical ailment.

The use of muscle testing in a kinesiology session allows the kinesiologist to determine, by "talking" directly with your body, where your energy is out of kilter, what stressors and emotions are causing the imbalances or blockages and what your body needs to restore balance and harmony. This is one of the great powers of kinesiology - it truly honours you as an individual. What comes up in a session pertains only to you.

The corrections for an energy imbalance are varied, can be different for different people and range from the gentle stimulation of acupressure points to the use of colour/light/sound/smells, use of herbs, nutrition, homeopathics, essences, specific movement, visualisation and sometimes it's enough that you get an awareness of the emotional root cause of the issue and an understanding of how it has, and may still be, affecting you in order to be able to free yourself from it and move on.

Kinesiologists do not follow the conventional western medical model - we don't diagnose based on the symptoms presented, we don't prescribe medication nor do we treat named diseases. Instead, we work towards (i) balancing and clearing your various energies to align with your positive goals and (ii) releasing any stresses and blocks that are stopping you from achieving those goals.


Kinesiology & Muscle Testing - A Brief History

Early 20th Century - Origins
A method of quantifying muscle strength by rating force generated against external resistance formed the origins of manual muscle testing. The development of this original muscle testing method is credited to Wilhelmine Wright and Dr Robert W Lovett. The method was developed in order to assess muscle strength losses during the polio outbreak in the early part of the 20th century. Wright presented the method in 1912 in the Boston Medical Surgical Journal and in 1916, Lovett expanded on this in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

1923 - Muscle Training
Dr Robert W Lovett published, in Orthopedic Surgery (with Sir Robert Jones, New York, W. Wood and Company, 1923), a system of "muscle training" (Chapter 23), which utilised specific movement, to isolate partcular muscles or muscle groups, against either gravity or an applied resistance. This muscle training was "fundamentally an attempt to restore a cerebral motor impulse to a muscle". The similarity between these muscle training exercises and modern day kinesiology muscle testing is very interesting. Dr Lovett also suggested that when "a muscle is apparently without any power, the patient should concentrate his attention on the attempt to accomplish the movement, while it is performed passively." Could this have been an early medical use of mind-body connection?

1949 - Manual Muscle Testing
Manual muscle testing techniques were refined and published in Muscles: Testing and Function (H.O Kendall & Florence P Kendall, Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1949). The current version of the book, Muscles: Testing and Function, with Posture and Pain (Florence Peterson Kendall, Elizabeth Kendall McCreary, Patricia Geise Provance, Mary McIntyre Rodgers, William Anthony Romani, Baltimore, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2005) is now in its fifth edition and is a classic amongst physical therapists.

1964 - Applied Kinesiology
Applied Kinesiology originated from chiropractor, Dr George Goodheart, who observed that a muscle that tested “weak” could be returned to normal “strength” by pressing or massaging seemingly unrelated points on the body. Dr Goodheart recognised manual muscle testing as a means of assessing the functional status of other physiological and energy (acupuncture meridian) systems. Applied Kinesiology could only be studied by health professionals and was used as a means of confirming their conventional, “medical” diagnoses.

1973 - Touch For Health
Chiropractor, Dr John Thie, brought the power of manual muscle testing and simple energy balancing techniques to public awareness through his publication, Touch For Health (John F. Thie, D.C. with Mary Marks, Santa Monica, De Vorss & Company, 1973) and a series of related workshops. Touch For Health, as a guide to natural health, was designed for the layperson for use in the care of family and friends.

...there are many different styles of kinesiology that all use manual muscle testing as a tool and that can be studied by anyone and practiced as a standalone therapy. The different types of kinesiology include, but are not limited to, Applied Physiology (AP), Aromatic Kinesiology, Counselling Kinesiology, Neuro-Training (formerly Educating Alternatives), Edu-K (Brain Gym), Mahoney’s Hyperton–X Sports Kinesiology, Kinergetics, LEAP (Learning Enhancement Acupressure Programme) Kinesiology, Professional Kinesiology Practice (PKP), Transformational Kinesiology, Three In One Concepts and Touch For Health.

More recently, in Australia, accredited and standardised training in kinesiology has been included in the Government's Health Training Package at the Diploma level.


The Session

Whilst every kinesiology session is as unique as each client, a session at BodyComm Kinesiology generally has the following structure...

If it's your first session, a comprehensive health and lifestyle history will be taken. We will discuss what you would like to work on, with a view to formulating goals for the session. If it's a subsequent session, we will review any changes you've noticed since your last session and determine what we will work on in the current session, whether it's continuing on from previous sessions or addressing something new.

The Balance
The balance usually involves...
1. ensuring that the muscle testing can be relied upon via a number of pre-tests
2. ensuring that you are present in your body, mind and spirit
3. determining the priority goal for the session and capturing your stress response to it
4. carrying out and assessing any activities, postures or movements related to the goal (moreso for physical/structural goals)
5. working through a comprehensive balancing protocol to identify, understand and clear: stress, energy imbalances, related emotions and other awarenesses, blocks to achieving the goal such as lack of willingness, lack of determination and self-sabotages, imbalances in other times and relevant cellular/body memories
6. re-assess any activities, postures or movements and re-test the goal to ensure that any related stress has been cleared
7. ensure that you will process and integrate the awareness and energy changes
8. check for any home reinforcement to support the balance

Any home reinforcement will be written down and clearly explained to you. Often, you won't have to do anything in particular - the energy changes will take effect in due course and affect your being on all levels.

Outside of the session
If there is home reinforcement to be done, please do it. Remember, it was your body that said it needed it. Your commitment to doing your home reinforcement is a commitment to yourself and the achievement of your goals.

In all cases, in the days and weeks following a session, be aware of any differences you notice in the way you feel, the way you behave and the way you perceive things...we're looking for change - change is good!


Telehealth Sessions

There may be occasions when you cannot physically get to me, or for the safety of all concerned, it is better to stay physically distant. It is always preferable to do kinesiology in person - kinesiology uses physical muscle testing as its basis and that requires access to your physical body. However, kinesiology is an energy therapy and working with your energy does not require your physical presence. Remote or Telehealth sessions can be conducted over the phone or via Zoom or other online voice/video meetings. In these remote sessions, I connect with your energy and use "self-testing" at my end, with the intention that the responses I get are those I would get if I was muscle testing you in person. This allows me to find the energy imbalances, awareness and remedies for you as if I were working with you in person. I follow the same process and use the same knowledge and techniques as I do when I see you in person. Please contact me to discuss your situation and we can determine whether a remote session is appropriate or not.


Health Funds

Sadly, as of 1 April 2019, kinesiology is no longer covered by private health funds as a result of the Australian Government's Private Health Insurance Reforms.

Prior to this change, Diane Low was a registered provider with the following health funds, which did cover kinesiology: AHM, Australian Unity, BUPA (including HBA, MBF, Mutual Community), CBHS, CUA Health (Credicare), GU Health, HBF, HCF (Manchester Unity), HCI, Health Partners,, Medibank Private, Teachers Health, Westfund

Kinesiology is NOT covered by the Government's Medicare scheme, WorkSafe or TAC.


The Rates

The session times listed below are a guide only. Please click here to read my philosophy on session times.

Standard Consultation - kinesiology: $190 inc GST where applicable (approximately 60 mins - please allow for 90 mins)
A full kinesiology session.

Initial Consultation - kinesiology: $210 inc GST where applicable (approximately 90 mins - please allow for 120 mins)
A full kinesiology session and a small extra charge to cover taking a full and comprehensive health and lifestyle history.

Long Consultations are available by special arrangement. The fee will be agreed prior to booking the consultation. Please contact me if you feel you will need more than a standard consultation to cover all that you'd like to address.

Payment may be made by cash, EFTPOS, credit card (Mastercard or Visa), PayPal or Direct Debit.

These rates are current as at 1 December 2024 and may be subject to change without notice.



In order that others may benefit, if you're unable to keep an appointment, a minimum of 24 hours notice would be appreciated. An administration fee of 50% of the session rate may be charged for late cancellations or no shows.